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Finance Board

The Finance Board is an appointed board that consists of seven members and two alternative members. The Finance Board is responsible for providing oversight of the financial affairs and interest of the Town by:

  • Reviewing items that affect the revenue, indebtedness or expenditures of the Town;
  • Reviewing the articles included in the warrant for Annual and Special Tow n Meetings as well as making recommendations for the action of the Town on articles that involve the appropriation of money;
  • Presenting an annual budget to the Board of Selectmen and the Town;
  • Authorizing year-end budget line item transfers; and
  • Authorizing transfers from the Reserve fund.

Finance Board meeting are generally held at the Town Hall on the third Wednesday of each month with additional meetings scheduled during the budget season, as deemed necessary. When possible the Finance Board meetings are also broadcasted on the local access cable television channel and the YouTube Channel.

Annual Reports

Town Meeting Warrants

Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Book