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Economic Development Committee


Help attract, retain and expand local businesses to increase and diversify the Town’s commercial tax base consistent with community character.  Promote appropriate and responsible development and redevelopment of commercial and industrial properties.  Identify changing economic trends and develop recommendations to maximize interest in our community.

The Committee shall be made up of nine (9) voting members appointed by the Board of Selectmen.

  • Six (6) members of the Committee shall be business owners in Town
  • One (1) member of the Committee shall be a representative of the Planning Board
  • One (1) member of the Committee shall be a representative of the Zoning Board of Appeals
  • One (1) member of the Committee shall be a resident

This Committee shall administratively fall within the Economic Development Planning and Conservation Department (EDPCD). The Town Planner and the Town Administrator will staff and assist the EDC. The Committee will meet once a month.

 The committee focuses their efforts in the following areas: 

  • Advise the Selectmen and other town boards on issues concerning bylaws, policies, regulations, and zoning that foster commercial growth, strengthen the local economy, and are consistent with maintaining the character of our community 
  • Focus efforts on activities that maintain or expand the commercial & industrial tax base 
  • Identify changing economic trends and develop recommendations to maximize interest in our community and attract these potential new businesses 
  • Advocate for state and federal grants, incentives, or for improvement in regulations that help advance our economic priorities 
  • Establish relationships and improve communication with local businesses