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Trash & Recycling Committee

The Committee will consist of 5 voting members, including a designee from the Board of Selectmen, a designee from the Board of Health, a designee from the Finance Committee, and two residents at large. The Committee will also have 3 ex-officio, non-voting members, including the Board of Health Administrative Assistant or Health Agent, Highway Superintendent, and the Town Administrator.


The Trash and Recycling Committee’s mission is to provide the Town with convenient and cost-effective waste reduction and recycling programs, and to promote environmental sustainability and preservation.  The Committee will focus on practices that reduce waste through recycling, composting, and education.


Long-Term Charge

The Committee acts in an advisory and consulting capacity to the Board of Selectmen relative to any and all matters concerning solid waste management to identify ways of increasing recycling and waste reduction and serve as a resource for the general education of the public with respect to matters concerning solid waste management, solid waste reduction, and recycling.

Short-Term Charge

The Trash and Recycling Committee is established by the Board of Selectmen as a Committee to assist the Town in procuring a new collection contract and to consider possible enhancements in recycling efforts.

It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to work with the Town Administrator in developing a program for solid waste and recycling collection services beyond 2026. In connection with this responsibility, it is expected that the Committee shall complete the following tasks;

  • Become thoroughly familiar with the regional market for solid waste collection and recyclable products.
  • Comprehend state regulation of solid waste and operational issues in Groveland as it relates to the collection of solid waste and recyclables.
  • Serve as a conduit to elicit and receive public input.
  • Assist the Town Administrator in drafting a competitive Request for Proposals to procure collection services and/or to market recyclable products.
  • Assist the Town Administrator in public education efforts on the Town’s system of solid waste collection and recycling.

Waste Management Contract