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COVID-19 Statement #5

Please be advised, that as of today, Groveland has seven (7) positive cases of COVID-19 affecting six (6) different households. The Public Health Nurse has been in contact with the residents and continues to monitor the situation.  

Yesterday afternoon, the Select Board and Board of Health held their weekly joint COVID-19 meeting. The Boards would like to stress the importance of the stay-at-home-order. This pandemic is expected to surge over the next two weeks, and positive cases are predicted to grow dramatically. We urge everyone to please take this seriously!

If you must go out, please only go out for essential business and always practice social and physical distancing. If you are out for a walk and see someone coming, step aside, cross the street, and do your part to distance from everyone. Play dates should not be occurring, sleepovers should not be occurring, and children should only be associating with your direct household members. 

Please be advised the real estate tax bills and water/sewer bills have been mailed out. Late fees on these bills will be waived until further notice.  Payments for the tax or water bills may be made online through our website, by mail, or through the drop box at town hall. Please note, the discount date on the water/sewer bills, is still in effect and will be honored through April 15th.

Due to this pandemic, the Yard Waste site will NOT be opening on April 1st. Once the Governor lifts the state-wide restrictions, we will provide a new opening date. 

Due to increased concerns for Waste Management worker safety, we ask that residents place all household trash in bags before setting them at the curb for collection. Please ensure that all bags are properly sealed to prevent contents from spilling. REMINDER: latex gloves go in the trash – NOT in your recycling container.

The Town would like to extend a huge thank you to Kurt Gauthier of Gauthier Insulation of Ipswich, who donated masks to the Groveland Fire Department. We would also like to thank the Pentucket School District for providing the disinfectant fog equipment and staff to clean the Police and Fire Station, town hall and the library.

For relevant information, there is a new tab on the top of our website with COVID-19 info.

We ask all residents to continue to observe the physical and social distancing requirements and the stay-at-home order.

Stay safe and well! Thank you!

Denise M. Dembkoski

Finance Director