Conservation Commission
The mission of the Groveland Conservation Commission is to protect wetlands and natural resources in the town of Groveland through regulations, management, education, and acquisition.
- Implement the goals of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (MGL Chapter 131, Section 40) and the Groveland Wetland Protection Bylaw and Regulations (Groveland General Bylaws Sec 8-19) fairly and consistently.
- Regulate activities deemed by the Conservation Commission as likely to have a significant or cumulative effect upon the values of these resource areas, namely, but not limited to, public or private water supply protection; groundwater protection; flood control; erosion and sedimentation control; storm damage prevention; water pollution control; fisheries, shellfish, wildlife and plant species and habitat protection; agriculture; aesthetics; recreation and aquaculture.
- Manage all Town conservation lands in order to protect and sustain these natural ecosystems for current and future generations to use and enjoy.
- Be an environmental and educational resource for local citizens, groups, organizations, as well as local, State and Federal agencies.
- Further the values of a healthy and attractive community by protecting and conserving open space properties in Town through grants, acquisitions, conservation restrictions and land trusts.
You may leave mail or filings at Town Hall with the Town Clerk.
Scheduled Hearings
Conservation Commission meetings for scheduled hearings are held monthly on the second Wednesday at the Town Hall location. All applications and associated paperwork and fees must be submitted a minimum of three weeks before the scheduled hearing date. Please call us to confirm any filings and to get an assigned hearing date.
General Forms
Trail Brochures
Please call and leave a message with your name and contact information and we will get back to you.