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Water and Sewer Department Working to Repair Water Main Break on Ashcroft Terrace

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GROVELAND — Superintendent Colin Stokes says the Groveland Water and Sewer Department is working to quickly repair a water main break on Ashcroft Terrace.

It expects service restoration to take a few hours due to extreme weather conditions.

Groveland Water and Sewer was notified of a water main break on Ashcroft Terrace late Friday afternoon by Groveland Police.

Immediately, the Department gathered equipment to begin the repair work.

Areas likely affected by the shutdown include Ashcroft Terrace, Ashcroft Circle, Pandora Drive, the entire Rockwoods neighborhood, and part of King Street near the Georgetown line.

A CodeRed alert and reverse 911 call has been sent to residents.

Superintendent Stokes thanks residents for their patience as the Department works to restore service.