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Town of Groveland Shares Information on Proposed Budget Ahead of Town Meeting

Town of Groveland, Massachusetts

GROVELAND – Town Administrator Rebecca Oldham would like to share information with residents regarding the FY24 budget ahead of the Annual Town Meeting.

To view the town budget book or for more information, click here

Open Town Meeting is Groveland’s legislative body, and is open to all registered voters. Town Meeting is charged with reviewing, debating, and voting upon a variety of issues. This year’s Annual Town Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 24, at the Bagnall School, 253 School St. The meeting will be gaveled to order at 7 p.m.

The interactive online budget book provides insight into the town’s proposed expenditures for the coming fiscal year, which begins on July 1. Residents can explore a budget overview, goals and funding requests from each department, and grant-supported initiatives proposed for the coming year.

Users can learn more about historical spending and cost-drivers for individual departments.

Groveland voters will be asked to consider an override to fund an additional $1.25 million for the Pentucket Regional School District. Proposition 2 1/2 is a 1980 state law that requires municipalities to obtain Town Meeting and voter approval to increase its total taxation by more than 2.5 percent year over year.

The Town is offering an online tool that enables residents to calculate the tax impact of the override.  To learn more about Town Meeting and to utilize the tax impact calculator, visit
