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MS4 & Think Blue

MS4 & Think Blue

MS4 is an abbreviation for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. “A separate storm sewer system is a collection of structures, including retention basins, ditches, roadside inlets and underground pipes, designed to gather stormwater from built-up areas and discharge it, without treatment, into local streams and rivers. It’s called a separate system because it’s not connected to the sanitary sewer system which drains waste water from inside a home to a sewage treatment facility or a private septic system” (Penn State Extension).

Groveland is currently in compliance with the Massachusetts MS4 Permit. The Town’s 2022 Stormwater Management Plan can be found linked below.


Key Contacts

Annie Schindler | Town Planner & Conservation Agent
(978) 556-7214

Rebecca Oldham | Town Administrator
(978) 556-7204