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MBTA Zoning, MGL Chapter 40A, Section 3A

MBTA Zoning In Groveland

MGL Chapter 40A Section 3A was adopted under Governor Baker’s administration in the Acts of 2020. This law requires that “An MBTA community shall have a zoning ordinance or by-law that provides for at least 1 district of reasonable size in which multi-family housing is permitted as of right”. In 2022, revised in 2023, the State issued Compliance Guidelines for communities to follow to come into compliance with this new law.

This applies to Groveland because in the Guidelines, Groveland is categorized as an “Adjacent Small Town Community”. Groveland is adjacent to Haverhill, which is serviced by the Commuter Rail. Additionally, Groveland has a year-round population of less than 7,000, which is why it is considered “Small Town”.

This means that the Town must zone a minimum area of 8.7 acres that would allow for development of 15 units per acre, for a total of 130 units. Due to the “Adjacent Small Town Community” category, the Town must meet compliance by December 31, 2025.

Town employees are actively investigating not only what is best for the community, but also what is happening in other communities that also have to comply with MBTA Zoning. By receiving a grant through the State’s Community OneStop program, the Town has bene able to hire a consultant to assist with compliance.


The Town received a Planning grant through the State’s Community OneStop program to hire a consultant to assist in determining a compliant zoning district and writing compliant Zoning Bylaws.

Key Contacts

Annie Schindler | Town Planner & Conservation Agent
(978) 556-7214

Rebecca Oldham | Town Administrator
(978) 556-7204


There are not scheduled meetings at the moment, please be sure to check back to this page or the Community Calendar for any upcoming meetings and/or outreach events.